How do I . . .?
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Articles - How do I . . .?
Keoni986 01-25-2017 12:28 AM
Did you ever wonder what all those numbers and letters mean in your VIN? Here's a quick look: Position ------- Explanation 1 ********** W = German based manufacturer. 2 ********** P = Porsche. 3 ********** 0 (zero) = Passenger car (applies to all except Cayenne and Macan) or 1 = SUV (applies to Cayenne and Macan). 4 ********** for RoW = Z (filler) For NA Engine 5 ********** for RoW = Z (filler) For NA Airbags (0 = none, 2 = at least 2) 6 ********** ...
Boxsternaut 04-07-2016 10:01 PM
© Copyright 04-07-2016, 09:01 PM. All rights reserved by the user known as Boxsternaut. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author. Here's a quick tutorial on downloading and reviewing the roads you've just been on in your Boxster while using a Garmin GPS. In Garmin speak it's called "Tracks". Tracks are 2 or more points of data that include location information, speed, altitude and more. Using Tracks, with Garmin's BaseCamp software you can map the...
Boxsternaut 11-15-2015 12:26 PM
Once you’ve been to the dealership, get your dream allocation and drop your hard earned cash deposit on the table the anticipation and long wait for delivery begins. And if like me with each day you crave information, you wonder where within the process your car is, when it might be done, how long will it take to get here and everything else related to finally taking delivery you find it difficult to think of anything else, then this narrative is for you. First and probably most important...
Keoni986 02-17-2015 03:31 PM
Simply go to this Sub-Forum: then click 'New Thread' Be sure to view the Announcement for instructions.
beach987 06-24-2012 05:06 PM
Many of you may have noticed that we have a lot of information on the main page new. Each group of information is in a window or what we call Modules. The Porsche Links, PCA Links, UserCP, Tech Quiz. These are all Modules. With all that we have going on, they may take up a lot of space and you may need to scroll down the page in order to see everything. Some of these things change daily, some weekly and some not at all. Here is a little trick to help you manage the home page. Each module...
Left Hander 01-24-2012 08:59 PM
Upload and post pictures in a reply as a full size image Ever wondered how to embed a picture in a post as a full size image? Well you have come to the right place! If you have done this before and need a quick reminder then check out the Quick Steps. New to this task then check out the Detailed Steps. Quick Steps
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